Send the forms to Chief and Council for their signature. The disinfection procedure (AWWA C652 chlorination method 3, section 4.3) which allows use of heavily chlorinated water held in the storage tank for disinfection purposes is not recommended. a cover, unless it can be demonstrated that it is not a problem for filter cleaning or operation of the plant; headroom to permit normal movement by operating personnel for scraping and sand removal operations. Method of cleaning and chemicals used must be approved by the reviewing agency. Direct filtration, as used herein, refers to the filtration of a surface water following chemical coagulation and possibly flocculation but without prior settling. The taps shall be located to provide for sampling of the softener influent, effluent and blended water. All wells, pipes, tanks, and equipment which can convey or store potable water shall be disinfected in accordance with current AWWA procedures. The roof of the storage structure shall be well drained. approval of the use of any nonferrous material as well casing shall be subject to special determination by the reviewing authority prior to submission of plans and specifications; nonferrous material proposed as a well casing must be resistant to the corrosiveness of the water and to the stresses to which it will be subjected during installation, grouting and operation. Automatic chlorine residual recorders should be provided where the chlorine demand varies appreciably over a short period of time; All treatment plants having a capacity of 2. The final plan must identify and address any problems and alarms that occurred during the demonstration period. The data should be used to determine feasibility and cost of the system. Surge relief valves or slow acting check valves should be designed to minimize hydraulic transients. Sufficient staffing must be provided to carry out daily on-site evaluations, operational functions and needed maintenance and calibration of all critical treatment components and monitoring equipment to ensure reliability of operations. Include 100% redundancy in the design of the chlorine feed equipment. Chambers, pits or manholes containing valves, blow-offs, meters, or other such appurtenances to a distribution system, shall not be connected directly to any storm drain or sanitary sewer. When buried surface water collectors are used, sufficient intake opening area must be provided to minimize inlet headloss. In circumstances where there is a staffing shortage of qualified individuals, Where the drinking water system obtains water from a raw water supply which is groundwater that is of questionable sanitary quality, the treatment process shall as a minimum, consist of disinfection and must be credited with achieving an overall performance that provides at least 4-log (99.99%) inactivation or removal of viruses before water is delivered to the first consumer. Automation of surface water treatment facilities to allow unattended operation and off-site control presents a number of management and technological challenges which must be overcome before an approval can be considered. Oxidation may be aeration, as indicated in Section 4.3.5, or by chemical oxidation with chlorine with due consideration to the raw water pH, the total organic carbon in the raw water, and the potential formation of THM's. Access shall be provided to the interior for inspection, cleaning and maintenance. If you have concerns about your water quality, please contact your local public health unit. 0 Provisions to the intake structure in order to control potential aquatic nuisances when deemed necessary; Submission of the proposed intake plans in a timely fashion to the appropriate regulatory agencies for approval. PTA is used for the removal of volatile organic chemicals, trihalomethanes, carbon dioxide, and radon. The approval of the reviewing authority shall be obtained for interconnections between potable water supplies. Surface water crossings, whether over or under water, present special problems. Calibration curves shall be developed for each pump at start-up; injectors shall be made removable for regular cleaning where hard water is to be treated; metering pumps shall be fitted with a priming device and relief valve. no protrusion of the filter walls into the filter media; head room to permit normal inspection and operation; minimum water depth over the surface of the filter media of 1 m; trapped effluent to prevent back flow of air to the bottom of the filters; prevention of floor drainage to the filter with a minimum 100. prevention of flooding by providing overflow; maximum velocity of treated water in pipe and conduits to filters of 0.6. clean-outs and straight alignment for influent pipes or conduits where solids loading is heavy, or following lime-soda softening; wash-water drain capacity to carry maximum flow; walkways around filters, to be not less than 600. safety handrails or walls around all filter walkways; construction to prevent cross connections and common walls between potable and non-potable water. Trihalomethanes (THMs) are formed when free chlorine reacts with organic substances, most of which occur naturally. Membrane filtration (see Policy Statements on Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration for Public Water Supplies and Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration for Public Water Supplies and Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration for Public Water Supplies at the front of this document); Bag and cartridge filters (see policy statement on Bag and Cartridge Filters for Public Water Systems at the front of this document). who pdf drinking water open All public water supplies need to identify and address security needs in design and construction for new projects and for retrofits of existing drinking water systems. The filter system shall be properly disinfected and water shall be ran to waste each time the cartridge or bag filter vessels are opened for maintenance. Limestone Backwash - a water flushing system shall be provided to dislodge sediment that may accumulate in the limestone and remove and dispose of it; the limestone contactor bypass shall include a throttling valve and required piping and fittings to allow the operator to blend limestone treated water with raw water; The limestone shall be thoroughly washed at the treatment plant site prior to being placed into the contactor tanks. The drain shall not be connected directly to any storm or sanitary sewer; a blow-off line should be provided in the effluent piping to allow for discharge of water/chemicals used to clean the tower; the design shall prevent freezing of the influent riser and effluent piping when the unit is not operating. Grouting requirements shall be determined by the consulting engineer; Where the depth of unconsolidated formations is less than 15 metres, the depth of casing and grout shall be at least 15 metres. The velocity of flocculated water through pipes or conduits to settling basins shall be not less than 0.15. On-site and contractual laboratory capability. A pilot plant will be necessary to determine the optimum form of treatment to be applied to site specific water, a complete protocol of the pilot work must be developed and submitted to the reviewing authority before the pilot work and testing commences. It may be used to reduce nuisance organisms and organic loadings. In the event that the water source, and/or the treatment process has not been determined, a feasibility report shall precede the pre-design report and shall include the advantages and disadvantages of each water source under consideration as well as an evaluation of at least two water treatment techniques to render the water potable. Methods other than these that are approved by the reviewing authority. Carbon monoxide detectors with alarms are recommended where internal combustion engine driven generators are housed. Spare parts shall be available to ensure that the equipment can be maintained and kept in service; Lamp cleaning methods should be considered in the design and selection of equipment. A satisfactory straight section of pipe shall be installed upstream and downstream of the meter in accordance with the meter manufacturer's recommendations to improve accuracy where required. The facility potable water supply service line and the plant finished water sample tap shall be supplied from a source of finished water at a point where all chemicals have been thoroughly mixed, and the required disinfectant contact time has been achieved. Free residual chlorination is the preferred practice. Brine waste may be discharged to a stream if adequate dilution is available. Consideration will be given to providing extra wall castings built into the structure to facilitate future uses whenever pipes pass through walls of concrete structures. The concrete pad shall extend a minimum of 0.6 metres beyond the location of the fuel tank fill pipe. Any measures, including automation, which assist operators in improved plant operations and surveillance functions are encouraged. Microfiltration and ultrafiltration for public water supplies. Where a groundwater supply will replace a surface water supply, the physical disconnection of the existing surface water supply from the water works must be clearly specified. Where a chemical feed is necessary for the protection of the supply: a minimum of two feeders (one of them being the standby unit) shall be provided with one injection point; the standby unit or a combination of units of sufficient capacity should be available to replace the largest unit during shut-downs. See Section 8.6.7 for external corrosion control. In most cases, a pilot plant study will be required to determine the best membrane to use, the type of pre-treatment, type of post treatment, the bypass ratio, the amount of reject water, system recovery, process efficiency and other design and operational criteria. Install a recirculating pump that pumps treated water back to a point ahead of the bag or cartridge filter. Constructed in accordance with the requirements for permanent wells if they are to remain in service after completion of a water supply well; Protected at the upper terminal to preclude entrance of foreign materials. After proper curing, the coating shall not transfer any substance to the water which will be toxic or cause tastes or odours; Prior to placing in service an analysis for volatile organic compounds is advisable to establish that the coating is properly cured. Every five years the feeder pumps should be replaced with pumps of higher capacity to meet twice the maximum day demand that will be reached five years after installation. Such survey and study shall include, but not be limited to: Structure Design Requirements. By : 26 febrero, 2023. Mechanical flocculation may be used only after consultation and approval from the reviewing authority; Piping - flocculation and sedimentation basins shall be as close together as possible. Positive displacement pumps such as diaphragm metering or peristaltic units are preferred types of chemical pumps. Provisions should be made for applying chlorine as a secondary disinfectant to the water entering the distribution system. Where the volume of spent brine must be reduced, consideration may be given to using a part of the spent brine for a subsequent regeneration. Sufficient glassware, not limited to beakers, graduated cylinders, erlenmeyer flasks, and volumetric flasks, in varying volumetric capacities for the preparation and testing of samples; Other laboratory equipment such as pipets, glassware drying rack, wash bottles, safety glasses, latex gloves, and kimwipes; Public water supplies which feed poly and/or orthophosphates shall have test equipment capable of accurately measuring phosphates from 0.1 to 20 milligrams per litre; Surface water supplies which utilize aluminum based coagulants shall have test equipment capable of accurately measuring aluminum to a minimum of 0.01 milligrams per litre. All piping 50 mm in diameter or smaller is recommended to be AISI 316 or 416 stainless steel. Post Treatment: Post treatment typically includes degasification for carbon dioxide (if excessive) and hydrogen sulphide removal (if present). Since both processes have relatively small membrane pore sizes, membrane fouling, caused by organic and inorganic compounds as well as physical contaminants, can occur if the system is not properly selected or operated. Where severe taste and odour problems are encountered, in-plant and/or pilot plant studies are required. Primary disinfection processes that do not produce a disinfection residual must be followed by a secondary disinfectant. If corrosion is found to exist throughout the distribution system, corrective measures at the treatment plant, pump station or well head should be initiated. Health Planning, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Health Services, Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment. Petcocks are not acceptable as sampling taps. Design shall consider the plant Operator's safety by meeting all Worker's Compensation Board requirements with particular emphasis to chemicals, rotating equipment, confined space entry, and electrical hazards. Where approved, PVC casing, as a minimum: Nonferrous Casing Materials. Also, the requirement for a certified operator should be included in the analysis. Special provisions shall be made for ventilation of chlorine feed and storage rooms to meet the BC Workers' Compensation Board requirements. The study shall emphasize but not be limited to, the following items: Prior to the initiation of design plans and specifications, a final report including the engineer's design recommendations shall be submitted to the reviewing authority. Formation of THMs is dependent on such factors as amount and type of chlorine used, temperature, concentration of precursors, pH, and contact time. The design should be such that the velocities and flows noted above will be maintained; Superstructure - a superstructure over the flocculation basins may be required. Chlorination can be used for the removal of some objectionable odours. Where raw water systems exceed 0.025 mg/L of arsenic then every effort should be made to locate an alternative raw water source or, if there is no other source available in the localized area then a treatment strategy must be planned to effectively reduce the total arsenic level to preferably below 0.010 mg/L. Automated plant shutdown is required on all major alarms. A water dilution and disposal system shall be included in the sump to dilute chemicals until they are safe for disposal by pump out or draining; Ventilation of both acid and caustic rooms shall comply with the applicable Workers Compensation Board requirement. If possible mount electrical components outside the room with outside visual view of the pumps and other equipment. WebWater Wastewater Optimization - Grand River Conservation Authority When bolted or welded steel tanks are used the tank supplier shall make provisions for cleaning the tanks. WebMunicipal Residential Drinking Water Systems in Source Protection Areas 10 The regulation applies where: a new municipal residential drinking water system is being located within a source protection area, or changes are being made to an existing municipal residential drinking water system located in a source protection area that The pipe connecting the casing to the vent shall be of adequate size to provide rapid venting of the casing. Absorption onto a granular ferric oxide medium. The Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment. It is unacceptable to use submerged pumps to pump water to shore. The owner of each well shall retain all records pertaining to each well, until the well has been properly abandoned. Guard rails must be included. The design should minimize pressure transients in the water distribution system following shut downs. 9.4 MONITORING The design must satisfy the minimum requirements for drinking-water systems monitoring as set out in the Where treatment is proposed, best available technology shall be provided to reduce organic contaminants to the lowest practical levels. Any openings for ventilation. Corrosion problems must be solved on an individual basis depending on the specific water quality characteristics and materials used in the distribution system. Aeration may be used to help remove offensive tastes and odours due to dissolved gases from decomposing organic matter, or to reduce or remove objectionable amounts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc. With any pump out of service, the remaining pump or pumps shall be capable of providing the maximum daily pumping demand of the system. WebSince the early spring of 2019, the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) has been working with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to amend and streamline A minimum of two units must be provided. Alternative water sources should be investigated when the sodium content and dissolved solids concentration is of concern with respect to health (low sodium diets). Upon return include copies of the signed forms in the manual; Provide a written description of procedures that were conducted for start-up and commissioning of the water works, with special attention to water treatment facilities. The following raw water parameters should be evaluated in the report: colour, with weekly measurement for a minimum of one year; turbidity, with minimum weekly measurement for a minimum of one year; bacterial concentration such as total coliforms, and E. Coli; microscopic biological organisms such as Giardia, and Cryptosporidium; general inorganic chemical characteristics; total organic carbon, with weekly measurement for a minimum of one year; trihalomethane formation potential, (THMFP) with quarterly measurement for minimum of one year; additional parameters as required by the reviewing authority. Impurities such as aluminum (A1) and iron (Fe) shall be kept to a minimum. Standard Air Valve Station - Coastal Area. Physical measurement of the rate of corrosion can be made by the use of coupons, easily removed sections of pipe, connected flow-through pipe test sections or other piping arrangements. Conventional coagulation employing aluminum or iron salts; Adsorption onto a granular ferric oxide bed; Review chemicals to be used, application points and general equipment design, layout chemical building to facilitate delivery, handling, storage and also to minimize the length of feed lines to the point of application, Ensure that there is 100% redundancy built into chemical feed systems with ease of access for operation and maintenance. The pipe from a manually operated valve should be extended to the top of the pit. Refer to the INAC document entitled "Practical Guide to Capital Projects" for further details on each phase of the project. Particular attention should be given to potentially harmful chemicals used in treatment processes (, Each community should develop an Emergency Response Plan which would meet the recommendations of the document entitled. Using contact units rather than replacing a portion of existing filter media; Series and parallel flow piping configurations to minimize the effect of breakthrough without reliance on continuous monitoring; Providing at least two units. Water storage tanks are typically made of concrete or steel. A typical cross section of a pitless adaptor is provided in Appendix C; Be full barrel industrial standard for well pumps requiring 63.5. The drawings on the following pages have been prepared to provide practical information towards the provision of water works and water supply facilities. Hypochlorite feeders of the positive displacement type or in tablet form must be provided depending on the hypochlorite selected (see Part 5). Ensure that extreme drought conditions have been taken into consideration when selecting the water source. A full scale direct filtration plant shall not be constructed without prior pilot studies which are acceptable to the reviewing authority. Aluminum hydroxide sludge may also be discharged to a sanitary sewer. Consideration should be given to innovative technology where there is sufficient demonstration of treatment effectiveness and contract provisions to protect the water supplier should the treatment not perform as claimed. Dead ends should be minimized by looping of all mains whenever practical. The safe and efficient operation of the equipment. Inlet Devices - inlets shall be designed to distribute the water equally and at uniform velocities. In calculating the stability index and the corresponding chemical feed adjustments, consideration must be given to items such as the water temperature, if it varies with the season and within various parts of the distribution system; the velocity of flow within various parts of the distribution system; the degree of stability needed by the individual customer; and the dissolved oxygen content of distributed water, especially in water having low hardness and alkalinity. Appropriate design measures to help ensure the security of water system facilities shall be incorporated. Equipment to test for iron, manganese, and carbon dioxide should also be considered. Incorporation of appropriate intrusion alarms must be provided which are effectively communicated to the operator in charge. October 20, 2021 Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Draft Documents for Consultation The following documents are drafts provided by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and are being provided for discussion purposes only. Where there are extended no-flow periods and fixtures are located a short distance downstream of the, A sufficient number (required number plus one) of parallel. Testing shall be used to confirm the contact time required to increase the raw water alkalinity to an amount needed for adequate coagulation to occur. Equipment shall be provided or other arrangements made to prevent surge pressures from activating controls which switch on pumps or activate other equipment outside the normal design cycle of operation. Coincidentally, this comes at a time when renewed concern for microbiological contamination is driving optimization of surface water treatment plant facilities and operations and finished water treatment goals are being lowered to levels of <0.1 NTU turbidity and < 20 total particle counts per millimetre. (including water licenses and permits for use of Crown Land). Waste filter wash water from iron and manganese removal plants can be discharged to a lagoon or discharged to a community sanitary sewer. Spare parts shall be available for all feeders to replace parts which are subject to wear and damage. On a plat map of the distribution system, show the location of each problem so that follow-up investigations and improvements can be made when a cluster of problems is identified. NF has a lower monovalent ion rejection, making it more attractive to water with low salinity, thereby reducing post treatment and conditioning as compared to RO. Most anion exchange resins used for nitrate removal are sulfate selective resins. assure satisfactory mixing of the chemicals with the water; provide maximum flexibility of operation through various points of application, when appropriate; prevent back flow or back-syphonage between multiple points of feed through common manifolds. Contract testing may be considered for other parameters. Phase I of the BC Ground Water Protection Regulations stipulates tagging requirements for newly completed or closed wells. units shall be used throughout. Portions of this policy are applicable to the treatment of effectively filtered surface water. Provisions shall be made for periodic measurement of water levels in a production well by means of water level meter or wetted tape. At high points in water mains where air can accumulate provisions shall be made to remove the air by means of hydrants or air relief valves. The treatment process used will depend upon the character of the raw water. Comprehensive as-built drawings of the system; where a groundwater supply has replaced a surface water supply, the disconnection of the existing surface water supply from the water works must be clearly recorded on the as-built drawings; For each lot provide a sketch with dimensions to dwellings, poles, hydrants. Appropriate backflow protection must be provided on waste discharge piping as needed to protect the public water supply. Limestone contactors may be required prior to pre-treatment of the raw water (primary limestone contactor) to provide sufficient alkalinity for coagulation, or after the chlorine contact tank (secondary limestone contactor) for corrosion control. The well or booster pump(s) shall have adequate pressure capability to maintain minimum water system pressure after the water treatment devices. If stainless steel storage tanks are part of the designed site, cleaning of the steel tanks every three to five years (Section 7.0) and steel tank inspections (Section 7.21) must also be included in maintenance cost estimates. Vent for Ground Level Water Storage Tank. hb```,- All overflow pipes should be located so that any discharge is visible. Broad areas of consideration for a corrosion control program follow. Any type of connection of the old surface water supply, including the use of a water-main with a closed valve, is not acceptable and will be considered a cross connection. Provisions must be made to ensure security of the treatment facilities at all times. No water pipe shall pass through or come in contact with any part of a sewer manhole. Check maintenance facilities and storage space provided for spare parts. Where discharging to a sanitary sewer, a holding tank may be required to prevent the overloading of the sewer and/or interference with the waste treatment processes. On surface water supplies, pre-screening or cartridge filters may be required. Two or more successive sets of samples, taken at 24-hour intervals, shall indicate microbiologically satisfactory water before the facility is placed into operation; Disposal of heavily chlorinated water from the tank disinfection process shall be: Planned for by the consulting professional engineer; Described in a procedural format in the CEAA report; Specified and detailed in the contract specifications. Surface water quality requirements of the regulatory agency will control the rate of discharge. needs JavaScript to function properly and provide you with a fast, stable experience. No drain on a water storage structure may have a direct connection to a sewer or storm drain. Where meters are installed on services which provide flows for residential sprinkler systems, the water service and flow meters shall meet the provisions of NFPA - 13D. Accder aux paramtres de votre navigateur. The "Summary of Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality" supercedes all previous versions, including that contained in the published Health Canada booklet. Factory testing of controls and process equipment prior to shipment. WebGuidelines for Public Water Systems: Introduction. The following general design guidelines are provided for both limestone contactors, followed by special provisions for the primary and secondary limestone contactors. %PDF-1.6 % Filtration, Slow Sand Filters are the preferred method of filtration if filtration is deemed necessary, followed by rapid rate gravity filters and rapid rate pressure filters. The following alternatives may be applicable: Except for temporary, emergency treatment conditions, particular attention should be given to developing an engineering report which, in addition to the normal determinations, includes the following: The collection of the type of data listed above is often complicated and lengthy. Effluent and blended water design should minimize pressure transients in the analysis the design should minimize transients! Levels in a production well by means of water system pressure after the equally... Of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment such survey and study shall include, but not limited... Pump ( s ) shall have adequate pressure capability to maintain minimum water system facilities shall be made for measurement! ) shall be available for all feeders to replace parts which are effectively communicated to the INAC entitled! 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